So You’re Seeking to Renew Your Faith

A  Friendly Guide to the Catholic Tradition

By Tony Doherty


We are presently working in a parish in Australia in the state of Victoria.  On a “books for sale” display, I discovered this treasure, which I would like to highly recommend.  It contains basic information about the Catholic Church in an attractive format, with photography, graphics and quotes, poetry and stories.  It is informative and, as the subtitle suggests, “user-friendly.”  I think about the adult formation needs in parishes we visit, both in USA and Australia/New Zealand.  Every parish, without exception, desires to do more for young parents.  Parents know they have been given the primary responsibility and privilege of passing on the faith to their children (Vat. II).  However, most would be at a loss as to where to begin, confused about what the church presently teaches, wondering what is basic to our faith, and mostly, wanting to understand the church as relevant to our contemporary culture.  This booklet (56 pages, A4 size) is an excellent resource to meet this need.


Each chapter is only two pages in length, followed by a brief summary at the end entitled “Did you know” which lists a few interesting trivia on the subject matter.  The text uses modern language and expressions, avoiding the dreaded  “church speak” which so often is a discouragement; the style is respectful, inclusive and non condescending.  In all there are ten “beliefs” including such topics as Jesus, Mass, Prayer, Justice, and Sacraments, with a special chapter devoted to a Catholic funeral.  In addition there is a page entitled “Words that may require explanation” and “A few historical facts about the Australian Church.” Those in America who would be interested in this resource should not be put off by this Aussie page.  It would be an interesting project for RCIA staffs in American parishes to create a similar page for the American Church!


Inside the front cover is this small but important message: “If you would like additional resource material to use with this book, visit  and click So You’re Seeking to Renew Your Faith. There you will find FREE reflections and discussion questions to help you further explore the topic.”  Quite valuable!

At that site there is a listing of various groups for whom this book would be useful.


Msgr. Tony Doherty is currently a pastor of a Sydney parish.  His range of ministry experiences, in addition to parish work, includes radio and TV media, chaplaincies, and ecumenical and interfaith dialogue.  The blurb about Tony ends with this statement: “His lifetime search is to find an appropriate language of faith for contemporary adults.”


I purchased this book for our Thomas More Center library back in Wisconsin, USA.  The good news is it didn’t break my wallet: a mere $12.00 AUS.


So You’re Seeking to Renew Your Faith
ISBN :9781920721671  ISBN 13: 9789781920721673
Author(s): Msgr. Anthony Doherty, Publisher : John Garratt Publishing