Religion and Politics

“No person can serve two masters.  They will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon.”  (You cannot serve the true God while worshiping at the altar of a false god).  Matthew 6:24...

Taize Easter Prayer and Cardinal Kasper

Easter Prayer of Brother Alois, Prior of Taize Christ Jesus, you did not remain in death, but you rose from the dead and you live with God.  Open our eyes and our hearts so that we can recognize the signs of your presence:  they are so humble that often we do not...

More on Sir John Templeton

Read “Scientific Giant” below before reading this blog. Sir John Templeton was born in the USA but renounced his US citizenship and became a dual citizen of Great Britian and the Bahamas.  He was one of the original mutual fund creators and became a...

Scientific Giant

Francisco Ayala was the winner of the 2010 Templeton Prize ($1.5 million), the largest individual prize, and always in the area of “contributing to life’s spiritual dimension”  Ayala was ordained a Dominican priest in Spain in 1960.  He left the...

Aging/Dying Prayer – Teilhard de Chardin, SJ

Aging/Dying Prayer When the signs of age begin to mark my body (and still more when they touch my mind); when the ill that is to diminish me or carry me off strikes from without or is born within me; When the painful moment comes in which I suddenly awaken to the fact...